February 29th – Will you be proposing?

24 Feb 2012

Is 2012 the year you are hoping your man will propose?  Fed up of waiting for him to pop the question?  This year you are in luck!

Old legends and history tell us that St Bridget struck a deal with St Patrick to change proposals around, allowing women to propose to men every four years; 29th February!  It is said that this was to introduce a balance in the roles of both men and women, similar to how a Leap Day balances out the calendar.

So girls, now you have a proposal on your mind, how are you going to do it?  Here are a few ideas:

If you want to make a big proposal get together with your friends or family, cook your man’s favourite meal or book a fancy restaurant and scatter the table with some beautiful natural petals to set the ambience.  After enjoying a wonderful meal, make a dessert and write “will you marry me” around the dessert plate with chocolate – how romantic.

If you would prefer to make the proposal alone, go for a nice walk to calm your nerves, open a bottle of wine when you get home handing your man an envelope.  Set him some tasks to follow to eventually find a ring or message of proposal by asking him to follow a petal path to find clues.

For a more traditional proposal set out a bed of natural petal confetti for you to kneel on and pop the question down on one knee.

Years ago in many countries it was dictated that if a man should refuse a woman’s proposal on February 29th he has to buy her 12 pairs of gloves.  This was so the woman could hide the embarrassment of not having an engagement ring.  Other traditions dictate that men refusing were expected to pay a penalty such as a gown or money.  If only those traditions still existed!

Get your petals ready now, in time for the 29th.  Shropshire Petals have a large range of petals for you to choose from, pick and mix online to create your own unique mix of your and your partners’ favourite colours, to make your proposal even more special and memorable.


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